Cooke S6i anamorphic PL 2x prime lens set consisting of 5 x lenses: 32mm/T2.3, 40mm/T2.3, 50mm/T2.3, 75mm/T2.3, 100/T2.3.
Precision anamorphic lenses created by Cook with the legendary ‘Cooke Look’.
The Anamorphic /i lenses offer superb optical and mechanical performance. Distortion, veiling glare, flares, and all aberrations are controlled at all apertures over the whole field of view. Like all Cooke S4/i, 5/i and miniS4/i prime lenses, the cam focus mechanism allows for smooth focus adjustments. Modular construction increases ease of maintenance and serviceability. Cooke S6i anamorphic PL Prime set,